Weekend Training: Punctuated Practice and Paranoid Planning

Training this weekend was very abbreviated. The original plan was to do two 50-mile rides over the weekend and bring the bike into the shop this Tuesday, giving them five days to give it an overhaul. However, with about five miles to go in Saturday’s ride, I got a flat tire (shocking), so I decided just to bring the bike into the shop then. I expect to have it back by Wednesday or Thursday and I’ll do some easy spin 20-mile rides through next weekend, taking Monday off to rest, pack, and try to sleep.

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Month in Review: June ’17

What a month. My stats for the month are relatively mind-blowing for me. The best part of the month was definitely participating in the Great Cycle Challenge to raise money for the fight against kids’ cancer. It was an incredibly tiring but rewarding experience for me and has me entering July with just a slightly higher level of confidence in my abilities to complete the Big Ride.

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Great Cycle Challenge: My Motivation and the Sweet Payoff

Long distance cycling is all about perseverance and maintaining focus until the goal is reached. This year, I find myself already surpassing my personal record of miles in a year with only half the year gone. The reason for that incredible total? Setting myself the goal of the Big Ride: a 5-day excursion from Iowa City to Jamestown, NY. With that in mind, I have tried my best to come up with a training plan that will allow me to complete the goal. The other factor in the achievement of that mile total is the Great Cycle Challenge.

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Weekend Training: Tired of the Tire Issues

This ride was supposed to take us from Rochester to Syracuse in time to see the Marching Band State Championships. I wrote about this ride in October of 2012 before and how it was a prime example of never underestimating how challenging a century ride can be. Each one takes planning and patience and mental toughness. We went in with far too much bravado and far too little concern and we wound up failing as a result.

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